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Founded in 1992, CTLP is the oldest independent low-income taxpayer clinic in the United States and the model for the national Low Income Taxpayer Clinic program.

Each year, CTLP staff and volunteer tax professionals help approximately 1,000 Virginians decipher the federal and state tax laws to answer questions and solve problems they have with the taxing agencies. CTLP works on behalf of taxpayers to untangle the red tape and save hard-working Virginia families money they may not have owed in the first place.

CTLP accomplishes its mission through the generous assistance of its Pro Bono Panel, composed of more than 60 volunteer attorneys, CPAs, and enrolled agents. CTLP screens cases for income eligibility and merit. Then, either in-house staff represents the taxpayer or refers the accepted case to a local attorney or accountant.  To qualify for CTLP's services, a taxpayer must have income at or below 250% of the federal poverty guidelines and the amount at issue should not exceed $50,000 for any given tax year.


Law Books

Virtually any taxpayer can encounter problems with the IRS or the Virginia Department of Taxation. However, not every taxpayer can afford the professional representation necessary to solve those problems and protect their rights. CTLP’s staff and volunteers fill this gap by providing taxpayers the professional representation necessary to solve the tax problems they have encountered, and expert advice on how to avoid those problems from the start.


CTLP relies on grants and donations to fund its services, which include direct legal representation, legal advice, education on tax matters and outreach to low income and ESL taxpayers throughout Virginia. To learn how you can help support CTLP’s programs, click here.


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